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Helplines in Kyrgyzstan.


Психологическая и правовая помощь оказывается следующим:1) детям и подросткам до 18 лет, если они оказались в сложной...


Hotlines are available in Kyrgyzstan for the victims of sexual abuse, assault and harassment. It's free and confidential.

Sexual abuse is a form sexual violence where a person uses power or coercion to force you into unwanted sexual activity. You can be a victim of sexual abuse if you are a woman, man or child. Other forms of sexual violence are sexual assault, such as rape, and sexual harassment, which is sexual behaviour toward you that is unwelcome or offensive.

If you’re struggling with sexual abuse, assault or harassment, there are 1 hotlines in Kyrgyzstan you can contact. Everyone’s experience is unique, as well as the path towards recovery. However, hotline volunteers could help you for free if you are experiencing or have experienced:

Examples of sexual violence:

  • Being used sexually in a way that is humiliating
  • Sexual abuse or assault from someone in your family (incest)
  • Someone making degrading or offensive comments about your body or sexuality, or using sexual terms and language in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable
  • Sexual photos or videos being posted online without your consent
  • Being exposed to a violent, hurtful sexual act without your permission
  • Being spoken to in a sexual way that you find offensive or degrading
  • Catcalls and whistles that make you feel uncomfortable or objectified
  • An organ or an object being put into your vagina (rape), or anus or mouth (sodomy), without your consent

Effects of sexual violence:

  • Minimizing the abuse as not being as severe as someone else’s
  • Feeling depressed and hopeless, with suicidal thoughts
  • Feeling unsafe and scared that it would happen again
  • Not being able to fall or stay asleep
  • Avoidance of anything that reminds you of the sexual abuse
  • Feeling as if everyone could see what happened to you
  • An urge to use alcohol, drugs, or gamble excessively
  • Having nightmares about the sexual abuse you experienced

Sexual violence could provoke many ways of coping, some more and some less healthy. You may go through many different feelings, responses, and stages of recovery until you fully heal.

When you’re on your path to surviving sexual violence and its aftermath, it helps to know that there are people who can relate. People in Kyrgyzstan who went through similar experiences could make your recovery easier and quicker.

For free and confidential support with sexual assault, abuse and harassment, consider contacting a hotline in Kyrgyzstan today.

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Provided by Born This Way Foundation

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