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Born This Way Foundation

Helplines in Kyrgyzstan.


Психологическая и правовая помощь оказывается следующим:1) детям и подросткам до 18 лет, если они оказались в сложной...


Are you being bullied at school, home, work or online? Contact a Kyrgyzstan helpline today.

Whether you’ve been bullied, online, at home, at school or at work, you are never alone. Support is always available. There are 1 helplines in Kyrgyzstan for the victims of bullying. Reach out today to connect with someone who understands how lonely and afraid you feel. If you resonate with any of the following, seek support from a helpline near you:

  • A popular or forceful person has told others not to be friends with you.
  • You have been taunted, teased, threatened or harmed by others.
  • You have been threatened or physically tripped, pushed, hit, kicked or spat at by someone.
  • You have been repeatedly threatened or harmed by others.
  • You have been trolled, insulted or humiliated on social media.
  • Someone has made repeated negative comments about your appearance, culture, family, lifestyle or behaviour.
  • Have you been publicly laughed at, taunted or purposely left out of groups and activities
  • One or more people has repeatedly called you names and teased or humiliated you.

Bullying has many faces, but it is never earned or deserved. While bullying might make you feel inferior, ugly, ashamed and alone, it is never a true reflection of who you are. You are loved, valued and understood. There are people waiting to support you, so reach out.

If you have been bullied, you may be unsure about how you will be treated when you contact a helpline. It might help you to know that helplines are staff by compassionate volunteers and counselors in Kyrgyzstan that want to listen to your concerns and support you.

Brought to you in partnership to provide free, accessible mental health support anywhere, anytime.

Provided by Born This Way Foundation

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